COVID-19 Preparedness Update


December 21, 2020

Dear Families,

First, thank you for adhering to all the restrictions we’ve needed to implement to help keep your loved ones and the entire community safe and healthy. We know it hasn’t always been easy. As this unpredictable and difficult year comes to an end, we’re starting to see a promise of a better future for all of us.

As we move closer to an approved vaccine, we are happy to say we are registered to be among the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. This means that once the CDC approves the vaccine’s distribution, our residents and staff will have the first option to receive it. We will share more information about what the vaccine will mean to our residents and staff, including expected timing, as we are informed.

We understand it has been difficult to have continually changing guidelines about how much you can interact with your loved ones when you’d like nothing more than to hug and touch them. This seems like an even bigger burden during the holiday season. However, it is necessary that we all remain vigilant in our resolve to adhere to health protocols. We ask you to remember these restrictions are in place to ensure the health of the residents and staff.

This same request extends to when your loved ones leave the community grounds with you. It is necessary that social distancing and mask wearing are maintained during any offsite family visits as well. Unfortunately, if any positive cases are found we will need to revert to stricter restrictions again. Together we can get through this.

We thank you for your continued support.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any comments, questions, or concerns. God Bless.


Jason Reyes | Calson Management, LLC


C: 707-592-1157



 Dear Silver Oaks Families & Friends,

We look forward to the day of welcoming you back into the community to visit your loved ones. I just wish that we could put it on a calendar and circle the date already. The unfortunate truth is that Silver Oaks along with every other community in the State has not yet received guidance from the Department of Social Services (DSS) on how or when we can begin reopening for visitors.

We are in close contact with our local DSS agent and we’re being told that the State is preparing guidelines. Currently, they are expecting them to be sent out before the end of the month. Please know that as soon as they become available, we will share them with all of you.

Our anticipation is that the DSS will likely follow the Governor’s roadmap with regards to timing. It’s unknown if we will be part of Stage 3 or Stage 4. We hope that the next update from the DSS will give us more clarity. However, given the susceptibility of our residents to the virus, we believe it’s likely to be in Stage 4. The State of California is in Stage 2. You can find more details on the Governor’s roadmap here:

Our Community remains COVID free and the Calson organization is committed to keeping it that way. The health and safety of residents and staff will remain our number one focus now and throughout the pandemic. We know it’s not easy to continue to stay separated, but we are all in this together and we will make it through it!


Please continue to pray for our residents and staff.



Jason Reyes | Calson Management, LLC

4950 Allison Parkway Suite F
Vacaville, CA 95688

C: 707-592-1157


 Quality, Commitment, Care for All CALSON MANAGEMENT

Dear Silver Oaks Families & Friends, 04/24/2020

It is almost hard to believe that we have been under “shelter in place” orders for more than 35 days. While we hope the worst is behind us, I write this letter to you today with the assurance that we will remain vigilant in our efforts to keep all residents and staff safe. While we are all eager to have things go back to normal, we cannot forget that our residents are among the most susceptible to COVID-19. Therefore, our approach to reopening the community will be done slowly and in several stages. Earlier this week we were informed by San Mateo County that our shelter in place would remain in effect until June 15, 2020. We are monitoring local, state & federal guidelines and recommendations daily and will notify you of any changes. We know that this is a difficult time, but we must continue to ask for your patience during this process, the safety of our residents and staff must remain the #1 focus.

I’m happy to share with you that the resident who had tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this year has made a full recovery. We believe our heighted safety protocols and working closely with the CDC help immensely in controlling this situation.

While we cannot hug and hold each other, we have made online visits available. Nothing can replace being able to be in the same room as a loved one, but we’ve found our residents are enjoying being able to again see smiling faces of family and friends. Along with online visits, we have altered the interactions within the Community as well. Silver Oaks is committed to the health and safety of our residents while also continuing the routines that bring them comfort. This means that while most routines have continued, they are conducted one-on-one or with social distancing guidelines.

Like many of you, I’m watching the news on a regular basis and have been paying particularly close attention to the “Nursing Home” stories. There have been some incredibly tragic events over the past several weeks that have been reported. However, it is important for everyone to know:

1) We are not a “Nursing Home.” Nursing Homes are considered medical facilities and are for seniors who need a high-level medical support.

2) Our residents by their very nature are healthier than those in Nursing Homes.

3) Our Community has zero reported active COVID-19 cases.

Please continue to follow us on our Facebook Page, Instagram and LinkedIn pages. We regularly share the creative ways we have come up with to entertain our residents and keep them stimulated.

And as always, prayers and warm wishes are appreciated!


Jason Reyes | Calson Management, LLC


4950 Allison Parkway Suite F

Vacaville, CA 95688

C: 707-592-1157


Quality, Commitment, Care for All CALSON MANAGEMENT

Dear Families & Friends, 04/03/2020

First and foremost, we want to thank all of you who have reached out with your heartfelt support. Many of you have provided valuable supplies that have made a difference in keeping our residents and staff safe. 

Today our communities are embracing a new normal; not a normal that will last forever, but one that we must continue to cling to for now. We are continuing to do many 1-on-1 activities, including stretching, exercise, trivia, puzzles, crafts and most importantly, communicating. Some of the best things we’ve done in the last two weeks has been to just listento our residents. Like all of us, our residents need to work through their fears, anxiety, and loneliness; we are here for that too!

In addition, our Activities Directors have been working above and beyond to help provide new ways to support the physical and social interactions to which our residents are accustomed. Here are a few examples that are beginning to take place and will continue throughout the next several weeks:

  • Live Outdoor Entertainment is back! We know how important music is to our residents and the routine it provides. So, we’ve brought it back in a new way, its sounds just as good but looks a little different… We are only utilizing our outdoor space, rotating residents and keeping strict compliance with social distancing. Entertainers are wearing masks and are a minimum of 40 ft from the residents. 

  • Art, like music, is a powerful stimulant that keeps our brains active. Whether you’re creating art or just looking at it, we can all find enjoyment! Luckily, we are blessed with some great artists in our buildings, both staff and residents! Each day residents get the pleasure of viewing amazing artwork throughout the building and even voting for their favorites.    

  • Community Bingo? While we continue to have small groups of bingo, it’s just not the same as with dozens of friends. We’re now bringing our residents Virtual Bingo! For residents who have a smartphone, we are setting them up to play Bingo with all their friends.     

  • Virtual Bible Study – We are working closely with several pastors and priests to provide Virtual Bible Study. Even if a resident doesn’t have a smartphone, we are working with our own technology to ensure our residents can maintain a strong connection to their faith.    

These are just a small part of the things we are doing to keep life “normal” under these current circumstances.  

Please keep our residents and staff in your prayers and best wishes. We continue to pull together in these tough times but it’s not without its challenges. Currently we don’t have any supply issues with food or other essential household items. However, we are very limited on masks and gloves. If any of you have extras you’re willing to share, we would very much appreciate it. As it always has been, our #1 focus remains the safety of our residents and staff.   

We will continue to post updates frequently. Please also check out our Facebook Page, Instagram and LinkedIn pages for frequent photos of our daily lives in the community and how we continue to stay positive throughout the quarantine.  


Jason Reyes


COVID-19 Preparedness Update 3/18/2020

Dear Families & Friends,

We thank you all for your support during the quarantine of our communities. We want to continue assuring you that we are taking all proper precautions that have been provided by the Health Department / (CDC), Department of Social Service, Governor, California Assisted Living Agency (CALA) and other Federal agencies.

PLEASE take us up on our offer to help Facetime, Skype or Zoom your loved ones! We have plenty of devices and staff to help setup calls. Keeping in close communication with your loved ones, will help everyone get through this tough time! Today’s technology allows us to come together, even if we are physically isolated. Let’s take advantage of that opportunity as much as possible.We continue to modify and tweak our programs inside the community for the safety of all residents. 

Here are some updated changes that are taking place:

  • Residents continue to be asked to have all meals in their apartment (no charge for room service). However, for the time being, those residents who request the dining room are being accommodated based on a set time for each meal (like a restaurant reservation). This allows us to ensure no more than 1 person per table with a 6’ minimum between all residents during dining times.  

  • All activities that have more than 10 residents are being cancelled. We will continue to have several activities per day in small groups. We are even coming up with new fantastic activities that draw the entire community together without physically being next to each.    

  • Staff Health Checks – Before any staff officially begins there shift, we are asking as series of questions regarding specific locations they have visited since their previous shift. In addition to the screening we are also taking the temperature of each staff member before they begin. Anyone with a temp of 100.4 degrees or any staff who may have been in a potentially infected location will not be permitted to work. Management will work with any employee who is effected by this and will ensure they can be brought back into the community as soon as it’s safe for the residents and fellow staff members.    

Calson Management is a Christian faith based business, we ask and welcome all prayers for our residents, staff and any others affected by this evolving situation.  

We will continue to post more updates as they become available.


Jason Reyes Calson Management, LLC


4950 Allison Parkway Suite F

Vacaville, CA 95688

C: 707-592-1157 


COVID-19 Preparedness 03/17/2020   

Dear Silver Oaks Family,

By this time, we hope to have spoken to each of you personally about your family member or loved one who is part of The Silver Oaks community. As you now know, we are doing everything we can to protect the health and well-being of the most vulnerable age demographic that faces COVID-19. We Thank You sincerely for the trust you put in us.

Our desire is to keep you updated with any new developments, changes to our prevention measures and adjustments to our visitor policy surrounding the coronavirus.

We continue to follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other health and government officials. Silver Oaks’ top priority remains the health and well-being of your loved one, our residents, and staff.

Right now we are focused on prevention and exercising an abundance of caution as we continue to execute our infectious disease protocols to promote everyone’s safety. To that end we have modified our visitor’s policy and will implement the following changes effective March 17th 2020 at 5:00pm:  

We are restricting all outside visitors and families to our communities until further notice…

Only our Silver Oaks staff, healthcare professionals and government officials who are required to care for our residents will be allowed entry into the community.

· On Sunday, Governor Gavin Newsom and Health care officials mandated that no family members can visit assisted living or nursing homes at this time except at end of life situations. We are adhering to this directive and will postpone family visits until the directive is lifted and more is known.

· Administrators will be afforded discretion on visitors for residents at end of life to compassionately meet the needs of the family while promoting safety for others as well.

· If your visit is approved by the Administrator, you will be required to wear a mask.

· All visitors in these special circumstances will be subject to our screening protocols required for entry. 

 Community Life…

Our team never ceases to amaze me with their commitment, resilience and creativity. I know in the coming days and weeks that those inventive minds will find new and unexpected ways to keep our residents engaged and connected. The families of our Silver Oaks residents are 100% part of our community – now more than ever. I look forward to keeping in touch, and enabling our residents to feel your presence, love and support every day.

Please do reach out if you have additional questions or concerns. My door is always open.  


Jason Reyes | Calson Management, LLC


4950 Allison Parkway Suite F

Vacaville, CA 95688

C: 707-592-1157